Jan 25, 2023
When Tyler states a CreateCase successfully processed but they are waiting to receive the NCAC message:
- Navigate to Documents E-filed.
- Look for documents named "eFile - Initial Filing"
- "View" the document to verify the envelope number and case.
- Press "Cancel" to return to the list.
- Select the desired document and press "Update"
- Verify receipt of a "Updates completed successfully" message. This means the NCAC message was successfully sent to the EFM.
If errors still persist, look at the System Log (Menu - Help - System Log) and look for related errors.
- Select the "Errors and "EFM error" options.
- If searching through many errors, try "EFM" or "CREATECASE" in the "Contains" field to limit the errors displayed.
If further research is needed, seek help to obtain the "cms-log.YYYY-MM-DD.log" file from the Tomcat logs directory which contains a log of all the calls to and from the EFM.